
Quality Policy

All activities associated with the provision of services supplied by First Star Oil Field Equipment& Services LLC to their customers, shall be governed by a Quality System complying with the stipulations of ISO 9001:2015 First Star Oilfield Equipment and Services Management will maintain an effective Quality System by

  • Establishing clear, measurable Quality Objectives in all areas of operation.
  • Continually monitor, review and strive to improve the Quality System and processes Our customers are our lifeline we will establish partnerships at all levels with our clients so that we completely understand customer requirements.
  • Meet all mandatory requirements whether Local, National and International for regulations and statutes wherever we work.
  • Committed to the health, safety of the work force and stakeholders.
  • Reduce our impact upon the environment through adjusting aspects of our performance.
  • Raise awareness among all the employees, to ensure that they are aware of the contribution that they make towards the client, their safety and the impact upon the environment.
  • Define responsibilities and lines of communication for each department or discipline.

Environmental Policy

Protecting the environment is considered as one of the key responsibilities at First Star Oilfield Equipment and Services LLC. Our values and principles emphasize on undertaking business practices, which are environmentally safe.

First Star is committed to:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice.
  • Protecting the environment by minimising our contribution to pollution of land, air, water and wastage of resources.
  • Training the staff to work within an environmentally aware culture and regularly communicate our environmental performance to them and our stakeholders.
  • Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.
  • Our management in fulfillment of the above objectives will ensure that the company continuously attempts to reduce its environmental impact.


Office Telephone: +971 (02) 585 5284
Mobile: +971 55 431 7329
M 41, Plot No 10R7 Workshop 38, ICAD 1-10 R7, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E